It Is A Dog Eat Dog World.....Literally

Before I start trying to scare everyone into getting home made , scientifically formulated, delicious dog food, that is only made by people when they are in a good mood and whistling a song (or playing a kazoo if they can’t whistle)…..first i’ll be reasonable.

It is rare that you see someone who has given their dog fresh food for any length of time go back to kibble. They just get it. They couldn’t do it to their best friend. Actually, that may be giving best friends too much credit. Dogs are better than best friends, they always cheer for you, they always want to see you, they always want to be around you, and if you fuck up…they always forgive you. I have been roommates with my best human friends before….and after about 3 months, i want to kill them. But never my dog. My dog is like an extension of the best possible me that there could be. I’m not going to feed him crap, after I learned how bad it is for him. If I were selling pup plates to people who were already using a fresh food diet, my job would be a cake walk. Pup Plates is more fresh, less expensive, has more beneficial ingredients than the competition, delivers to your door…and I have better hair. How are we able to do this? That’s easy, we work really long hours with practically no pay, and slim profits. And it is so worth it. In my kitchen I have black-board painted my door that goes into the garage. Listed on that door is the name of every dog that we make food for, and every night when I grab a glass of water before bed I read over that list, and it makes me feel good.

People who have always fed their dog kibble without a second thought think that places like Pup Plates are frivolous, over the top, luxury services that feed into the vanity and naivete of dog owners with too much money. But it is not so. and actually if you grind through the numbers the price difference is slight if even there at all. Dogs eat much less real, wholesome food , then they do kibble. Kibble is burnt chunks, sprayed with a nutrient bath of carcinogens and dyes that attempt to fool the dog into thinking he isn’t eating the worse grain for him….(but also the most subsidized and cheapest grain), corn . It takes almost twice the amount of kibble to feed your dog as does home made food. In his book “A better life for your dog,” The author points out that statistically for every extra dollar you spend on healthier food , you will (on average) save at least a dollar in vet visits and care.

Taking care of your dog is financially responsible. Let’s consider the fine work done by a couple of Belgium scientist, Dr. Lippert and Dr. Bruno Sapy. These gentlemen studied 500 dogs over the course of five years. There objective was to see which mitigating factors influenced the quality and length of the dogs life. Factors like, Does the dog have a lawn in the country to play in, or, does he live in an apartment in the city? Is the owner a family, or just a single owner…and is that owner a man or woman or does it matter? Is the dog sterilized or not? Is The dog a huge breed, or of tiny stature? Is he fed kibble or home made food? All of these are good questions. The answers? Dogs live a little longer with a single owner, on average longer still, if that parent is a guy…about a month on average. Not a big deal. If they live in the country, they live longer, very slightly longer. If he is ‘fixed’ then about 10 months longer on average they will live….mostly due to the lack of contracting cancer in the reproductive parts in question. The big whopper came from diet. The home fed dogs were MUCH happier and lived 32-36 months longer than their kibble eating counterparts.

I understand. Not every dog is an allstar. Maybe you have a really bad dog who deserves bad things to happen to him. Fine, give that son-of-a-bitch kibble, and laugh as he limps through the rest of his pathetic and tortured life. But if your dog is anything like mine, and you don’t feel that you deserve so much love from a beast so majestic and pure…..then give him a decent bowl of food. He will love you more happily and for a much much longer period of time.

now go out there and be a good owner


Congratulations Indie!!
