Turmeric; Mans Best Friends Best Friend-or-Why Is My Kitchen Yellow
Now that I do dog food, many people come to me with questions. Probably the most common is, “Hey, Charles,” (because that is my name),”what is it about pupplates.com that is different then all the other fresh made dog food companies?” Great question, I’m glad you asked! There are many differences between our company and the others, but I think the most important quality is one that does not separate us, but unifies us.
Pup Plates, like all fresh made dog food services, strives to get our furry friends off kibble. I can personally guarantee you that the worse bowl of food that our worse competitor throws away because it is too bad to sell to the public is still MUCH better than the best bowl of kibble ever made. Period. I’m not here to tell horror stories, but go ahead and go down the wormhole of what the current kibble industry is like. It is an embarrassment that an industry, that feeds our loyal family members, has no oversight. The governing board, The AAFCO, is comprised of dog food manufactures board members. It has no regulatory authority, and their extremely low standards are actually just suggestions….because they do not have the power to punish, fine, or even cite people who violate their non-existent standards.
When you are through googling pet food you may feel a little dirty so go ahead and take a shower, and then google turmeric.
Turmeric is one of the major things that separates Pup Plates from the other dag food companies. What does it do? Everything, except the dishes. It works as an anti-inflammatory in 26 different ways…all different. It reduces spinal inflammation, brain inflammation, joint, skin, muscle….well you get the point. It is an excellent antibiotic, antibacterial, antioxidant, and an antidepressant. It also is a pain reliever…a good one. It is spectacular in fighting kidney damage and regenerating the parts that are damaged. Great at fighting, and protecting, against liver damage. It has anti-aging properties along with arthritis relief . It is good for puppy depression, and in humans, can help fight Alzheimer’s disease. It can be used to treat inflamed bowel disease, pancreatitis, and heart disease. All this while also lowering blood pressure. It is at least as effective in fighting diabetes as Lipitor, and on some cancers, it works better than, or at least as good as, chemotherapy. Speaking of cancer….it fights it on three different stages. It strengthens cell walls to help prevent the cancer from taking hole, it helps isolate the cells that do have cancer, slowing the spread, and finally it helps reactivate the damaged protein in the cell, which causes it to break up when cancer attempts to corrupt it. It is known in the Eastern holistic community as an agent of motion, keeping the body at flow. Moving benign growths out of the body, clearing blood clots, and bad cases of the Mondays. This cousin of the ginseng root, has had many many studies done on it. The literature is overwhelming.
But if you give turmeric to your dog….you will just get yellow poop. Which is fine if you like bright feces. The catch is that dogs do not break down some types of foods as well as we do, roots for example. Turmeric is not very bioavailable to our canine friends. But….if you connect it to a big sexy fat (like coconut oil) they can then absorb it. This is kind of a pain in the ass. You must dissolve it in water, at not-quite boiling temp, constantly stirring then add coconut oil, all the while finely grinding pepper over it. Finely ground pepper produces a chemical call piperine, which can increase some of the turmeric properties by a factor of 10.
You may see turmeric on other brands labels but unless it is accompanied with coconut oil, it isn’t used for nutrition…it is used as a food dye. Which it does well. Turmeric stains everything a bright yellow orange color….like a cheeto on steroids!
We here at Pup Plates really like our dogs, and your dog as well. That is why we put turmeric and spirulina in all of our products and even if you decide we are not for you and you go with another company, that is cool….but we recommend then that you look up how to make the turmeric paste and add it to your dogs food of choice. They would certainly do it for you. But we got the thumbs, and with great power comes great responsibilities.
Now go out there and be a good owner.